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Nau mai haere mai ki Te Kura Araraki 

Welcome to North Street School

North Street School (NSS) is a full primary school located in Feilding, Manawatu. The school is 20 km from Palmerston North city and Massey University.  We cater for students from New Entrant all the way through to Year 8 (end of intermediate).  We have ten classes in our English medium setting and seven Reo rua (bilingual) classes.  We also have a well resourced Technology Centre for our Year 7 and 8 programmes.

The school vision seeks for all children to be positive, connected, engaged and an explorer of their own learning. Our annual achievement targets are matched to groups of students who require their achievement accelerated.

NSS is a member of the Kawakawa Kāhui Ako - Feilding Communities of Learning (COL).  

The school roll ranges from 330- 350 students.

We have an active Parent Teacher Association called  'The Whanau Circle'. This group regularly meets and runs events such as our school discos in the winter terms.  The group also helps fundraise for resources, camps and other wish list items for the school.  Please contact the School Office if you wish to join this group.


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Our Values:

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REACH stands for Respect / Whakaute, Excellence / Hiranga Ake, Acceptance / Ngawaritia, Creativity / Hinengaro Auaha, and Honesty/ Whakawhirinaki.


North Street School is a Positive Behaviour for Learning School (PB4L-SW) so our values underpin everything we do at school.


​At NSS, we learn about promoting a safe, inclusive and positive environment where we are all valued and value each other. We all share the same expectations, goals, beliefs and build a strong, vibrant culture. Through our REACH values and PB4L – School-Wide, we model, teach and acknowledge positive behaviours and develop social and academic skills, that will enable all to “Learn for tomorrow,  Akongia mo apopo”


Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) supports New Zealand schools and whānau to promote positive behaviour and create inclusive learning environments that foster well-being and achievement for every child and student.


The New Zealand Curriculum promotes the development of social and emotional competencies. The key competencies, including relating to others, managing self, and participating and contributing, are the “key to learning in every learning area”. PB4L helps to create a learning environment where every child or student can experience success by developing and using these key competencies.


Since commencing this programme in 2016 our behavioural problems in and out of the classroom have become very minimal, which we are all very proud of. REACH tickets are earned for displaying our values in and out of the classroom. Values are taught and celebrated at assemblies. There are many positive things happening in the school that support the PB4L system. Throughout the year the PB4L team receive training and guidance to help them address the areas for future development, data is recorded and analysed on a monthly basis. Teachers receive professional development around effective strategies for dealing with behaviour.

Each term the whole school join together and have a celebration day to reward all students for ‘REACHing’ their goals. 

We are proud of our PB4L values that underpin North Street Schools’ culture and identity.

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